Since 2018, we have organised fundraiser events and awareness campaigns around ball & boob cancers.

We fight cancer, break down the stigma and create a safe space for survivors and patient to share.


We ride it.

Cycling is meshed deep down in our DNA. It’s how our crew met, grew closer and eventually weather through cancer. That’s why we ride to fight cancer.

We sweat it.

Through gruelling efforts, we share simple gestures to promote life saving early detection. Cycling long distances is our means of expression. It’s the canvas upon which we share our cause.

We laugh at it

Cancer is a tough topic to address. Breast & testicular cancer especially: impact young adults the most and wrecks symbols of humanhood. We love to break the stigma and speak with a light touch.


Why do we exist?

As a group of friends, we lived through cancer. As two of us were struck by breast or testicular cancer. Daniel through his mom, who fought and valiantly defeated breast cancer. And Yann who in 2018, went through testicular cancer. Thankfully, early detection made for a quick diagnosis and a swift treatment/recovery.

Our motive is simple. We know a simple discussion, with straightforward gestures, can go a long way to promote early detection. That’s what our time and effort is spent around.